Catherine Zeta Jones

Catherine Zeta Jones

Rule No. 2: "Never Trust a Naked Woman"(unless it happens to be Catherine Zeta Jones)
Catherine Zeta Jones, she dips beneath the lazers.

@Tephxx axo q se for pegar, ele é oq tem vida melhor! ta estreando no cinema ao lado de Tom Cruise, Catherine Zeta Jones

Epiphany: Sophia Vergara is everything I hoped Catherine Zeta-Jones would be and never was.

Catherine Zeta Jones, she dips beneath ooo ooo..

RT @depeliculawapa: A las 10 pm @WapaTV se pone De Pelicula con los Avengers, Catherine Zeta Jones y Chris Hemmsworth!

Just watched one of the most romantic movies w/ Catherine Zeta-Jones. (Love her!!) #AgeAin'tNothingButANumber #TheRebound

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