G-Darius - Stage 1 / Zone Alpha (Nu Route)

G-Darius - Stage 1 / Zone Alpha (Nu Route)

Here is a complete no miss high scoring clear run of G-Darius / Gダライアス. Player: SMRAEDIS Route: αA-γE-εI-θO-νY Date Recorded: 27th August 2007 G-Darius is a 2d shoot-em-up with 3d graphics, released in 1997 by Taito. G-Darius is the latest and most likely last arcade game in the Darius series, and in this one, the fishes get even larger and scarier! Unlike the rest of the Darius series, G-Darius has only 5 stages instead of 7. This means that there are only 15 stages in total. However, the boss fights are very long and very exciting, and this makes up for having less stages. G Darius has kept most of the same gameplay features used in the rest of the series, but now you can capture almost any enemy ship you want now, by using the Capture Balls (which have taken place of the bombs) When captured, the different enemies fire with different patterns and bullet types, some being much better than others. If you press the capture ball button while having a ship captured, it detonates a small bomb, and if you hold the shot button down, it charges the enemy into an alpha beam, which is fired once you release the button. The alpha beam shot also beats almost everything (apart from gold 'solidnite' that comes around once every while). The beam can also beat the beams that the bosses use (named beta beam), and is shown in this replay. Stage 1 / Zone Alpha - www.youtube.com Stage 2 / Zone Gamma - www.youtube.com Stage 3 / Zone Epsilon - www.youtube.com Stage 4 / Zone Theta - www ...
「君は生命(いのち)の誕生(はじまり)を見る…」Gダライアス キャッチコピー



RT @srpglove: RT @srpglove: Gダライアスのボス登場デモにそんなのがあった気がする(捏造)>ダイオウイカが3Dで襲いかかってきて、それにマッコウクジラが喰らいついて死闘を繰り広げる、という「ダイオウイカvsマッコウクジラ」としか名付けようのないアレ



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