The Bangles - Hazy Shade Of Winter

The Bangles - Hazy Shade Of Winter

cover of Simon & Garfunkel tune for the film LESS THAN ZERO (1987) soundtrack. Sony Music Entertainment Audio.
I wear the bangles too early :3

The bangles

@laurameg88 Hey Hun just tweeting to let you know I've got the love bangles in that would be perfect for a small wrist xx

I've made a scene .Dropped bangles on the floor,knocked a cup over and hit my head on the table picking it up. Nobody asked but... I'm ok.

Agra,not less liked,more fancied,rickshaw pullers,your colourful bangles,the marble,and moonlight : connected,all connected!

@bleedingheartx_ That two bangles, the owl necklace, the snake earring. the rings got what ah ? and the earring still got what ? cant see.

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