John Gorka - Love Is Our Cross To Bear

John Gorka - Love Is Our Cross To Bear

Mr. John Gorka has it all: the voice, the melodies, the lyrics, the personality. This video doesn't do him justice but is intended to capture the moment. It was a privilege and a joy to watch him at the perfect venue Muziekpodium Bakkeveen Oct. 23, 2008. Go see him if you can !
Asi que el padre del bebe de Paula es Gorka!! #JesucristoResurrecionado

RT @CBCSLC: CBC athletics. We win...a lot #cadets

Quede algo lesionado luego del fútbol, pero nada grave...

RT @PissedOffWarden: The people that make up PETA are terrorist.

"@Gorka_lva: @CarlaSancor te prometo que te iba a hablar justo hooooy jajaja pero se me ha olvidado al finaal :( Whatsappius?" Casualidad.

Ya estoy zzzz...

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