FIR - Episode 479 - 7th July 2011

FIR - Episode 479 - 7th July 2011

FIR presents to you a female inspector and her funny sub-inspector trying to solve cases. Their sincere attempts to crack the mysteries are hilarious and worth a hearty laugh. The sitcom is set in a Police Station where constables indulge in amazing antics. A space you must visit to experience an amusing and entertaining comedy.
Shaheed Bashir Khan Je Riyasati Qatal G F.I.R Darj Na Karan Khilaf Subhany Saji Sindh Me Muzahran Jo Elaan Kayon Tha-Akash Mallah JSQM S.V.C

@rushdanazhar c-a-m-p-f-i-r-e lol xD

Shaheed Bashir Khan Je Riyasati Qatal G F.I.R Darj Na Karan Khilaf Subhany Saji Sindh Me Muzahran Jo Elaan Kayon Tha-Akash Mallah JSQM S.V.C

#novemberwish dapet buku #KCPKGS dari @pnrbitedelweiss :D

This girl is on F I R E !

N-Shah/ Shaheed Khan G F.I.R Darj Karain Kha Court Jo Inkar, Akash Mallah, Kehar Ansar, Maqsood Khan Qureshi, Ali Raza G Agwani Rely, Dharno

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