Metropolis (restoration trailer)

Metropolis (restoration trailer) Metropolis is a 1927 silent science fiction film directed by Fritz Lang and written by Lang and Thea von Harbou. Lang and von Harbou, who were married, wrote the screenplay in 1924, and the story was novelized by von Harbou in 1926. It is set in a futuristic urban dystopia and examines a common science fiction theme of the day: the social crisis between workers and owners in capitalism. The film stars Alfred Abel as the leader of the city, Gustav Fröhlich as his son, who tries to mediate between the elite caste and the workers, Brigitte Helm as both the pure-at-heart worker Maria and the debased robot version of her, and Rudolf Klein-Rogge as the mad scientist who created the robot. Metropolis was produced in Germany in the Babelsberg Studios by Universum Film AG (UFA) and released in 1927 during a stable period of the Weimar Republic. The most expensive film of its time, it cost approximately 7 million Reichsmark to make. The film was cut substantially after its German premiere, and there have been several efforts to restore it. Also, the American copyright lapsed in 1953, which eventually led to a proliferation of versions being released on video.
RT @hoge_systemz: 鉄郎「ねえメーテル、次の停車駅は?」 メーテル「北千住よ」 鉄郎「どんな駅?」 メーテル「DQNでバイオレンスでデンジャラスな足立区のメトロポリス。次は松戸。終電で寝過ごしたらもう歩いては戻れないわ。ハローワークもあるのよ。ポン引きに気を付けなさい」 #こんな銀河鉄道999は嫌だ

@ateliermao 僕もいくつか見ただけですが、ドヴチェンコの『大地』と、『メトロポリス』、『カリガリ博士』は良かったです。以前は、百人劇場とか、希有な映画館もあったんですが。

手塚治虫のメトロポリスわかる人いません?? 10年くらい前のアニメ映画

@nitche_cat ですよね!チャップリンのと、リバイバルされた「メトロポリス」くらいしか見たことないのですが、サイレント映画でしか出せない情緒みたいなものがある気がします。



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