「Eyes to me」 Dreams Come True

「Eyes to me」 Dreams Come True

RT @NishyaaBuhari: Ya Allah, give me the strength I need. Give me clear eyes to see. Open my heart and allow me to believe.

RT @XO_2Smooth: I'll be making love to her through you so let me keep my eyes closed

RT @LetsQuoteComedy: My eyes during a test: (←_←)(→_→)(←_←)(→_→). Teacher comes next to me: (↓_ ↓). Teacher walks away: (←_←)(→_→).

RT @LanaDelRey: What is that you express in your eyes? It seems to me more than all the print I have read in my life.

@awellsome And the same eyes that looked at and loved Laura & Carey... I WANT HIM TO LOOK AT ME!! You're sooo luckyyyy, Oh Marcus.

So dis white boys is looking @ me coz I said hi to a white lady.....yes believe it or not mate white ppl do speak 2 me. *Rolls eyes*

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