Words at War: Apartment in Athens / They Left the Back Door Open / Brave Men
Greece entered World War II on 28 October 1940, when the Italian army invaded from Albania, beginning the Greco-Italian War. The Greek army was able to stop the invasion and even push back the Italians into Albania, thereby winning one of the first victories for the Allies. The Greek successes and the inability of the Italians to reverse the situation forced Nazi Germany to intervene in order to protect her main Axis partner's prestige. The Germans invaded Greece and Yugoslavia on 6 April 1941, and overran both countries within a month, despite British aid to Greece in the form of an expeditionary corps. The conquest of Greece was completed in May with the capture of Crete from the air, although the Fallschirmjäger suffered such extensive casualties in this operation that the Germans abandoned large-scale airborne operations for the remainder of the war. The German diversion of resources in the Balkans is also considered by some historians to have delayed the launch of the invasion of the Soviet Union by a critical month, which proved disastrous when the German army failed to take Moscow.[citation needed] Greece itself was occupied and divided between Germany, Italy and Bulgaria, while the King and the government fled into exile in Egypt. First attempts at armed resistance in summer 1941 were crushed by the Axis, but the Resistance movement began again in 1942 and grew enormously in 1943 and 1944, liberating large parts of the country's mountainous interior and tying down ...
AKANE base on Japanese traditional music but also challenge the new door to open...! AKANE steps forward to the new stage of music, producing ambient pop music and fusion music! AKANE is being formed by two female artists, Yumiko Takahashi as YT, Saori Kobayashi as SK, and a male artist Masaki Suzuki as MASKing! You can't miss it! -------------------------------------------- PlayStation、Xboxなどのゲームの企画、デザイン、作曲など、クリエイターとして活躍する女性二人、男性一人による音楽ユニット。 日本の民謡を歌いこなす高橋由美子のボーカル。 様々なジャンルの音楽を追求する 小林早織の作曲、アレンジ。 更に電子パーカッション「ハンドソニック」を操る バリエーション豊かなMASAKing(鈴木正樹)の演奏。 民謡を基本にしながらエレクトリックな音色を交え、また日本だけでなく、 海外の民謡などの要素を取り入れるなどして、アンビエント・ポップ、 無国籍的な新しいタイプの音楽制作をめざしているユニット。
青山ほとり~最終回の攻撃時 東農大二-立正大淞南
第91回高校野球選手権大会 東農大二-立正大淞南 東農大二アルプスの応援風景です。 最終回の攻撃でひたすら大根踊り。残念ながら負けてしまいましたが、いっしょに踊りだす方もいるほど楽しい応援ですね。あーおやまほーとりときわまつ♪ また来年、農大健児の意気を見せてください。