Josh Hartnett - Funny/Cute Moments :)

Josh Hartnett - Funny/Cute Moments :)

Josh Hartnett :) love him:D
@BiggRiver josh hartnett looked his best in pearl harbor!!! I never thought he was cute..but in that movie..#DAMNSEXY

Whatever happened to Josh Hartnett? Come back to me

@_yollday hmmm yeah that wasn't my fave story wise! I didn't mind Josh hartnett getting his top off tho! Ha

Halloween H20. What a cast! Jaimie Lee, Josh Hartnett, LL Cool J and Michelle Williams.

¿Os acordáis esa película con Josh Hartnett titulada "40 días y 40 noches"? Pues llevo el mismo camino. Y tan a gusto, oye.

@edizonur stok yap stok doymazsın sen şimdi.. kardeşim ne istediğimi buldum NY Yankees t-shirtü (((: Josh Hartnett style (:

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