TENACIOUS D - Jack Black on Piracy

TENACIOUS D - Jack Black on Piracy

Jack Black schools all of you on the truth about piracy. Remember, don't be a douche.
RT @seany777: new disney star wars plot spoiler, Captain Jack is abducted by Darth Vader and is put in charge of the new death star "the ...

@Jack_Skibinski4 @cameroonnnnnn black and white people are the same.

RT @topmovielines: "I admire a person who's willing to do whatever's necessary." ~ Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of ...

RT @Frases_De_Cine_: "Hora de tocarse los cojones" ~ Jack Black (Alta fidelidad)

"The holliday" ahora mismo en la paeamount comedy . Con Kate Winslet , Jude Law y Jack Black! #AsiSi

Adoro quando eu falo do JB e as pessoas acham que estou falando do Justin Bieber, quando na verdade é o Jack Black.

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