パワースポット東京 愛宕神社 Travel Japan ATAGO SHRINE =GYMNOPEDIES No.1
江戸の昔から観光名所の愛宕神社、その急峻な階段を上り振り返ると心に風が吹きます。 Erik Satie's Gymnopedie No.1 shows you around Atago Shrine. Atago Shrine is one of the most mysterious and spiritual spots in Japan located near Tokyo Tower. The shrine was worshipped by Japanese Samurai! and used to only open to samurai! The stairway to the shrine is surprisingly steep but it is said some samurais suceeded in running down it on horses!
宮崎あおいちゃん earth music & ecology CM集
この動画は 宮崎あおいちゃんのearth music & ecology CM集です。散歩篇、鉄棒篇、野球篇、新野球篇、自転車篇、ぐるぐるバット篇です。