Beyonce - Why Did God Give Me This Talent (LEAKED)

Beyonce - Why Did God Give Me This Talent (LEAKED)

{SUBSCRIBE/COMMENT/LIKE} in this video Beyonce is questioning why ''GOD'' gave her this TALENT & LIFE she has.. it could be interpretated in a number of ways but ive come to the conlusion that: 1. she realised that she made a mistake in selling her soul (if she ever did) 2. she realised that there is a 'GOD' because shes been exposed to the 'DEVIL' 3. she was already famous but craved to go a bit further which is why she is now regretting it. 4. shes realised what shes got & cannot go further which correlates with a saying which a wise man once said and ill put this in the video responses. 5. WHATS YOUR TAKE ON THIS
RT @kor_celebrities: 俳優兼歌手イ・スンギが11月第4週頃、新しいミニアルバムを発表して歌謡界にカムバックする


イ·スンギ、11月22日ミニアルバムでカムバック! インディーズ歌手と共演

【bot】 好きな歌手→西野カナ・倉木麻衣・福田沙紀・北野きい・9nine・コブクロ・FUNKEY MONKEY BABYS・斉藤和義 #MUSIC

【択】[新問] 2012年10月に「60歳になったら歌手を引退する」と発表したベテラン歌手は?    →西城秀樹

RT @kor_celebrities: YG所属の新人歌手イ・ハイのデビューステージは11月4日のSBS人気歌謡だそう

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