Tehran Persian Nights

Tehran Persian Nights

Tehran Persian Nightlife parties ,night gatherings...etc The residents of Tehran are Persians who speak various dialects of Persian language . According to a 2010 census conducted by the Sociology department of Tehran university in many districts of Tehran across various soci-economical classes in proprotion to population sizes of each district and soci-economic class, 67 % are Persians, 17 % Persian sub groups such as Lurs, Gilaks, Mazandaranis, 16 % are non Persians, www.tabnak.ir
RT @Camy415: Dat Persian Life

I guess @Persian_Prnce went to sleep already

@KekamcK Oh okay so youre a stuck up snob either that or youre a persian pick one

That didnt even make sense i sound like a persian immigrant

Dat Persian Life

Cute nya tgk kitten persian and short hair. Tapi mesti mahal tu kan. Huhu and mau jaga betul2.

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