key akagi and gary Husband solos in Alan's Letters of marque

key akagi and gary Husband solos in Alan's Letters of marque

Edited by Renato Sommexe, in this video recorded at frankfurt 1986 we have the chance to see Alan, Gary Husband on drums, Jimmy Johnson on Bass and the amazing extraordinary Key akagi on keys at the time using the best keyboards available, yamaha CP80 for pianos and Yamaha DX7 for synth sounds, sometimes stealing the scene showing a tremendous intimacy with alan's complicated compositions, some of them not featuring keyboads in the original recording, in others replacing the also magnificent Alan Pasqua a long term partner in alan's career. Key akagi also can be seen here at youtube on Miles Davis tour in a Kitaro Look due to the long hair. Also alike is his presence in one of Dimeola's 80's shows and you can hear his improvisations along with tavaglione's wind controller synth solos in gambale's alive album which I long to see one day in video also, if someone has it please get in touch, let's share.
しかし アラン・ホールズワースはギタリストオブギタリスツなのに いっつもお金関係が大変そうなんだよねえ… アルバムを作るのにスタジオを借りるのも大変だったみたいな話しもあるし すげえミュージシャンなのに不当な扱いだよね

アラン・ホールズワース=神 もう60越えてるのになんであんな弾けるわけ

EL&Pにアラン・ ホールズワースが入れば無機質な疾走感が増して良い感じになるかも youTubeで「AQUATARKUS feat. CARL PALMER - ELP - TARKUS - ERUPTION」を見ませんか

@hainekotrash ギターソロだけ聴くとホントただのフュージョン。あと1stとか。とりあえずアラン・ホールズワース聴こうww

ウォーレン・ククルロ、アラン・ホールズワース、モト冬樹 #尊敬するギタリスト3人晒してかぶったらRT

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