Mother 3 (English) - Porky

Mother 3 (English) - Porky

NOTE: For some REALLY weird reason, the video doesn't give the option to be viewed in high quality, even though it can be. Add &fmt=18 to the URL and press enter to do so. The party, with their LEGITIMATELY OBTAINED ultimate equipment and stats, finally takes on the selfish, greedy, self-proclaimed king of Mother 3 World (As the Japanese version calls it), SMAAAASHing his mech to bits. Lucas should use Offense Up Ω and then attack. Kumatora ought to use PK Ground (You should REALLY have it by now) or otherwise Thunder Ω. Duster should use the Tickle Stick once or twice, then attack. Boney should use the Shield Snatcher if you want Lucas to be able to use PK Love Ω without killing himself, but that's a risky strategy, as Porky tends to randomly set up PSI Counters every few turns. After the battle, Porky will retreat into his Absolutely Safe Capsule (Which, as I demonstrate, is invulnerable to all forms of attack and has no weaknesses), and the battle will end, leaving the path open to the final needle... And the final boss.
【スロット】「MOTHER3」のキャラ 主人公リュカの双子の兄→クラウス 1章の主人公である双子の父→フリント 2章の主人公である泥棒→ダスター ヒロインのお姫様→クマトラ (同一リール問)

ぶひぶひ (となりのぶたの はつげんが きになるなぁ)(MOTHER3-ブタ)


(MOTHER3でのセリフ)「きえたりも してるけど わたしは げんきです。」 魔女宅ww 糸井さんやばいww自分でww

@The_Mother3 We am! Silly beggars ;-) xx

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