[SAP] -AMV- It's Di Gi Dubstep -Nyo!

[SAP] -AMV- It's Di Gi Dubstep -Nyo!

!! READ the details below↓↓↓ 詳細読んでね-Please watch in HD(720p) ★HD高画質で視聴推奨。 Using this account once again but please sub my backup to be updated on new amv releases in case something happens to this channel. www.youtube.com ....................................... New AMV Release -mya!! I'm gonna drop the bass -nyo! You need bigger speakers -nyu! And more bass -mya! Please be careful -myu! Watch in 720P if possible for best streaming quality -nyu. Song: Benny Benassi ft Gary Go - Cinema (Skrillex Remix) Anime: Panyo Panyo Di Gi Charat Made in: Adobe Premiere Warning: This contains a very dangerous combination of dubstep and ridiculous cute characters doing ridiculously cute things at an occasionally very fast pace. Please watch in a well lit room and sit far from the monitor/TV to avoid any possible injury when Dejiko drops the bass -myu!. Headphones or large floor standing speakers are recommended for optimum performance -gema. .............................................................. For those that never watched this series, its a nice one to check out even though its more for little kids lol. Plot Summary: Deijiko is the princess of the planet of Di Gi Charat. After reading a book, she is influenced to want to help everyone be happy. She leaves the castle and pretends to be a normal girl. She tries to make everyone happy by taking various jobs around the town and thereby making all sorts of new friends and inevitably, enemies ...
ぱにょぱにょ デ・ジ・キャラット

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