One Way - Hillsong
It's a bit different than my other video's, but it's who I am. And I believe that there is only One Way to find true freedom and life. My life belongs to God, I live for Him. This song is one of my many favorite songs, and I wanted to make a video about it for a long time now. So here it is; including the lyrics. I pray that it may touch your heart and that you will find the only One who can truly set you free. I know it's not easy, and I am not going to hit you with Bible verses, just know that He loves you and is always there. Just ask and reach out to Him, He will answer and you will find Him. Note: the sentence 'forever till forever meets no end' was set in 2 lines, however, during saving it changed to this chaotic 3 line division... annoying, sorry about that. I'm a perfectionist, I had to say something. It's one of my first video's, technically it's not very good at all, and at the time I didn't have the right program. It's nothing fancy, but I poured my heart into it and tried to make the most of it with what I had. But when I watch it now, it could be so much better. Perhaps a re-make awaits in the future. Note: Rude and hateful comments will be deleted. I ask you kindly to treat each other with respect. Thank you. Music: "One Way" by Hillsong Program: Windows Movie Maker basic version No copyright infringement intended. - Personal note 2011/2012: Life was difficult before and after, and while writing the description the words that came I have said to myself as ...
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