Happy Feet Two Trailer #4

Happy Feet Two Trailer #4

Mumble, The Master of Tap, has a problem because his tiny son, Erik, is choreo-phobic. Reluctant to dance, Erik runs away and encounters The Mighty Sven -- a penguin who can fly! Mumble has no hope of competing with this charismatic new role model. But things get worse when the world is shaken by powerful forces. Erik learns of his father's "guts and grit" as Mumble brings together the penguin nations and all manner of fabulous creatures -- from tiny Krill to giant Elephant Seals -- to put things right. See it in Real D 3D, IMAX 3D, and 2D theaters Novemburr 18.
@meg_mero キョンキョンみたいでいいじゃん。キョン2。ハッピー2。

@rabi_04 もしくはハッピー×2村で・・・

ハッピー2,000ツイート! 皆さんいつもアリガート! 明日は11人で皆さんに楽しい時間を プレゼント! by.ロリポップ招幸群

RT @LPherogirls: ハッピー2,000ツイート! 皆さんいつもアリガート! 明日は11人で皆さんに楽しい時間を プレゼント! by.ロリポップ招幸群

@CALUTA2597 え…!? 1ハッピー 2除夜の鐘 3スターキラキラ

てことで6連勤おわったーーーー‼ ハッピー♡2連休うれしい♡ 立ち仕事だで足ガタガタ\(^o^)/

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