Flash - Queen (Official Music Video)

Flash - Queen (Official Music Video)

From the original soundtrack of the movie "Flash Gordon" Flash a-ah Savior of the Universe Flash He save everyone of us Flash He's a miracle Flash King of the impossible He's for everyone of us Stand for everyone of us He save with a mighty hand Every man every woman Every chill-he's a mighty Flash Just a man With a man's courage Nothing but a man But he can never fail No-one but the pure at heart May find the Golden Grail .................ah................
RT @SqCmdFlashheart: RT @SqCmdFlashheart: Don't worry New Yorkers. Flash is on his way. I can handle everything called Sandra

RT @TopTweetsAdos: RT @TopTweetsAdos: Flash info : TF1 prévoie l'arrêt de la diffusion de Les Feux de l'Amour en 2068.

De ste ptite frappe que y'avait hier . Un negro il a bu un flash de vodka il a vomis tte sa vie wsh . Il est tombé il faisait des roulades

@Stormin_ was it called Flash Forward?

RT @BlackBerryHelp: RT @BlackBerryHelp: Use your #BlackBerry as a Flashlight! Open the Video Camera application and press the "Space" key. (Flash and Keyboa ...

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