Scottish terrier puppy 1.m4v

Scottish terrier puppy 1.m4v

Scottish terrier puppy Meg 9 weeks old playing with a tea spoon
@minidriver1 my Scottish terrier once buried one under the lavender bushes, we didn't find it for weeks...

RT @Chelly_toLoyal: RT @Chelly_toLoyal: @_HeyyItsNahomi Scottish terrier my dogs are cute <3 they stay small come over one day yuh can see the parents <3

Mass looks like a scottish terrier to me.

#RandomConfession: Most kids have imaginary friends, but I had an imaginary Scottish Terrier named Clancy.

@Chantelle210593 haha scottish terrier,should get a pics of yur dog put on them that wud be super cute haha :) x

@MaryLira Oh have fun! I think I found a breeder for our Scottish Terrier. She said she will have a litter ready after Christmas!

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