Google Nexus 7 Review
For more details, check out our web site: Previously, all Nexus devices released thus far have been smartphones, but this time around, Google decided to bring its Nexus to the table sphere. Catching some people by surprise, the Google Nexus 7 tablet redefines what it means to be a budget tablet. Oh no people, this isn't a quick rush out the door kind of job. Rather, it is aiming to broaden the appeal of Android tablets as a whole. Furthermore, it doesn't skimp out in the hardware...
Me 209 V6
Meine Me 209 V6 bei ihrem fünften Flug: Spannweite 1,50m; Gewicht 1,5 kg; Akku 4S2350; Prop 12 x 5; gebaut aus Selitron. Leider hat sie bei der Landung dann ein Rad geschlagen und einer Riss im Rumpf abbekommen. Ist aber schon wieder geklebt...
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